Which Yellow Bird Fills its Nest with Lemons?
A Living Drop of Mercury
Why Does Spring Once Again Offer Its Green Clothes?
19 Tears, One Lake
Attendants of the Eyelash
Who Works Harder on Earth, A Human or the Grain's Sun?
Butterfly Book
In the End Won't Death Be an Endless Kitchen?
Yellow Cow
Hat of Holes
At Whom Does Rice Smile with Infinitely Many White Teeth?
Blue Violet
Poem of Judgement
Ham Heart
Isn’t the Rosebush of Evil White and Aren’t the Flowers of Goodness Black?
Global Warning
 How Do the Roots Know They Must Climb Towards the Light?
Which Yellow Bird Fills its Nest with Lemons?
Which Yellow Bird Fills its Nest with Lemons?
A Living Drop of Mercury
A Living Drop of Mercury
Why Does Spring Once Again Offer Its Green Clothes?
Why Does Spring Once Again Offer Its Green Clothes?
19 Tears, One Lake
19 Tears, One Lake
Attendants of the Eyelash
Attendants of the Eyelash
Who Works Harder on Earth, A Human or the Grain's Sun?
Who Works Harder on Earth, A Human or the Grain's Sun?
Butterfly Book
Butterfly Book
In the End Won't Death Be an Endless Kitchen?
In the End Won't Death Be an Endless Kitchen?
Yellow Cow
Yellow Cow
Hat of Holes
Hat of Holes
At Whom Does Rice Smile with Infinitely Many White Teeth?
At Whom Does Rice Smile with Infinitely Many White Teeth?
Blue Violet
Blue Violet
Poem of Judgement
Poem of Judgement
Ham Heart
Ham Heart
Isn’t the Rosebush of Evil White and Aren’t the Flowers of Goodness Black?
Isn’t the Rosebush of Evil White and Aren’t the Flowers of Goodness Black?
Global Warning
Global Warning
 How Do the Roots Know They Must Climb Towards the Light?
How Do the Roots Know They Must Climb Towards the Light?